​Personalised services
We see ourselves as an extension to our clients as their business partner and trusted advisor.
We work remotely
Even though we have an office in the heart of the Melbourne CBD, we know how busy you are - let us provide our services to you at the comfort of your own home. Our communications can be over the telephone, email or videoconferencing.
Timely response to queries
We won't make you wait 3-4 days for a response like other accounting firms. If you email us with a question, you will hear from us within 24 hours. If the question is complex and we require more time to respond, we will tell you just that. At HTA, we believe transparent communication is key.
Proactive in managing your complex tax affairs
We believe in proactive management of your tax affairs as opposed to being reactive. The benefits of engaging us as your proactive accountant means we can help you plan ahead. A common tax trap is paying tax that you could have otherwise reduced or avoided had you consulted your accountant earlier. This is where our annual tax planning session comes handy.
Timely reminders when taxes are due
We keep you accountable to ensure you meet your tax obligations by the statutory due date. Don't fall into the trap of falling behind in your tax obligations, which often results in a domino affect of adverse consequences. Not only will the ATO apply penalties and interest charges, but you will be more likely to be subject to an ATO audit. Audits take time and are stressful - being audited by the ATO is the last thing you want as a busy healthcare professional.
Listen to your financial and career goals
We take a holistic approach in providing our services to you. In order to identify practical and effective tax planning strategies, we will listen to you the same way you listen to your patients. Further, we will review your financial goals and keep you accountable.
Friendly and Professional
There is nothing wrong with being "Cold and Professional". However, that is not us!
We also respect our clients and do not discriminate. We expect the same from our clients and do not tolerate abusive and aggressive behaviour.
KISS - keep it simple stupid
Australia has one of the most complex tax systems in the world. We aim to keep things as simple as possible, but will raise complexity when required.
Imagine purchasing a property without speaking to your accountant....that is too late!
Imagine selling your shares before speaking to your accountant.....that is too late!
We want to plan your taxes and that should come first!
At HTA we will be proactive by discussing your prospective property purchase before you actually purchase! Did you know the majority of taxpayers in Australia only speak to their accountant once a year? Since we see ourselves as an extension to you, we encourage you to have a constant dialogue with us throughout the year. We want to hear from you!
Tax Laws constantly change and so does your life circumstances. Therefore, we highly recommend you engage us for a tax planning consultation once a year so we can identify potential tax saving opportunities and areas for improvement. This is similar to a patient visiting their local GP each year for a health check.
We listen, the same way you listen to your patients. Once we have a deeper understanding of your circumstances including the changes that may have occurred over the year, we can then assist you better. That is our holistic approach at HTA.
Remember, for HTA its always tax time!
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and with heavy lockdown restrictions in place, Warren was able to adapt and adjust the way he conducted business by serving clients remotely through videoconferencing. Very quickly and through word of mouth, Warren found himself serving many busy healthcare professionals who themselves were adapting to an extremely stressful period in their lives. He was able to empathise and understand the needs of healthcare professionals through the lens of his fiancé, who was and still is a frontline healthcare worker.
Understanding the healthcare industry has its own unique set of tax issues, Warren started HTA solely dedicated to serving clients in the healthcare profession. Warren is also the director of Hometopia Accounting & Taxation, which was formed in 2016 servicing high net worth individuals and families, property developers and retail.
Healthcare professionals face a myriad of challenging and complex tax rules. We are here to help cut through complex tax rules unique to the healthcare industry, while still providing you with strategies to legally minimise the tax you pay.
It has been well recognised the ATO considers most healthcare professionals to be high income earners. With the ATO utilising its sophisticated data matching systems to assess whether a taxpayer has claimed deductions in excess to those in the same industry, healthcare professionals are constantly put under the microscope by the ATO in order to recover taxes upon an audit.
Since the ATO have sophisticated systems, you should also work with an accountant who can help navigate the sophisticated tax system.
Warren Lee
warren.lee@healthcaretaxaccountants.com.au | Phone: 0433 603 235
Our Principal is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) and a Registered Tax Agent with over 10 years of experience in the field of accounting & taxation. He is also the director of HomeTopia Accounting & Taxation.
Previously, he plied his trade at a global top tier accounting firm advising multi-national companies in various industries.
​His portfolio of experience extends to healthcare professionals, hospitality (including restaurant and café), retail (including franchises), property developments, health and beauty, manufacturing, motel accommodation, AirBnB operations and company/trust structuring for family wealth accumulation.
Warren also practised as a lawyer specialising in tax and commercial law earlier in his career. His legal background has enhanced his ability to problem solve and provide well rounded tax advice.