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As a client of HTA, we are delighted to offer you the option of participating in our Audit Shield Service.   


With government revenue authorities increasingly using data matching, artificial intelligence and even social media, they are able to compare disclosures made in your lodged tax returns to those of other taxpayers or benchmarks within the industry.  If a data matching check escalates to an official audit by the Australian Taxation Office our costs in managing your audit and defending your position can accumulate quickly, regardless of whether any adjustments are made to your tax returns.  Our Audit Shield Service covers those costs (up to predetermined limits). 


HTA holds a tax audit insurance policy.  By proceeding with our Audit Shield Service, we will include you and your entities in our policy.  The fee you pay to activate your policy will be determined based on the type of taxpayer you are and your annual turnover.  The fees are payable directly to the insurer and we receive a modest commission that does not cover our costs in administering this service.  The Audit Shield Service has been arranged for the benefit of our clients. 


We would be delighted to speak with you and provide more information. 



© 2022 Passionate Accounting Pty Ltd t/as Healthcare Tax Accountants

[Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation]

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